Transfer complete!!




There they are… Embryo A and B. Yesterday both were guided gently to the top of my uterus in the hopes that they will find the perfect place to implant themselves. 

Our day, IM and I, started early. Before sunrise she picked me up for the 2 hour drive down to In-Vitro Tech for the transfer. The whole way we talked about our hopes and dreams for the baby(or babies) this might result in. We finally arrive, have a few more things to sign and we’re ready to go. The embryologist comes in with this picture of the little sweeties. 15% hatched! He said a few things that made both of us nervous…, “I wouldn’t call them perfect…” was the worst.  Luckily we did find out that meant that on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being the best and 5 being the worst, he gave them a 1-. So close enough to perfect! At this point I was given a small dose of valium. Wow. That stuff is like drinking a bottle of wine without the hangover! It was my last time feeling like that in hopefully 9 months! The doctor came in shortly after, inserted a catheter into my uterus and “dropped off” the embryos.

So now, I have 2 little “could be babies” snuggled(hopefully) into my uterus and I’m confined to my bed until Tuesday. IM gave me a whole package of “Bed rest supplies” though. Magazines, a new book, a new movie, chocolate, redvines, a Visa gift card for hubby to buy me dinner every night and a couple pairs of cute jammies to lay around in! All that’s left to do is hope and pray the babies stick.